Here are a few examples on how to get started using AtomicJS.
It is the goal of this tutorial to show you how to build web applications using AtomicJS. Each page contains a new example.
root.atomic.launch ( "#example1", {worldLabel: {value: "World"}} );
<div id="example1"> <div class="example"> <div class="well"> <h1 id="greeting">Hello <span id="worldLabel"></span>!</h1> </div> </div> </div>
root.atomic.launch ( "#example2", { greeting2: {bind: { display: "worldValue.length" }}, worldLabel2: {bind: "worldValue"}, sayHelloButton: { onclick: function(){"worldValue","World"); }, bind: { display: { when: "worldValue", hasValue: false } } } } );
<div id="example2"> <div class="example"> <div class="well"> <h1 id="greeting2">Hello <span id="worldLabel2"></span>!</h1> <button id="sayHelloButton">Say Hello</button> </div> </div> </div>
Hello !
Have a great day !
root.atomic.launch ( "#example3", { firstNameTextbox: { focused: true, bind: { value: { to: "firstName", updateon: ["keydown", "keyup", "change"] } }, onescape: function(){ this.value(""); } }, lastNameTextbox: { bind: { value: { to: "lastName", updateon: ["keydown", "keyup", "change"] } }, onescape: function(){this.value("");} }, helloMessage: { bind: { display: function(){return"firstName") ||"lastName");} } }, nameLabels: { selector: ".name", bind: function(data){return ("firstName")||"") + ("firstName") &&"lastName")?" ":"") + ("lastName")||"");} } } );
<div id="example3"> <div class="example"> <div class="well form-group"> <div><input id="firstNameTextbox" autocomplete="off" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter your first name:" /></div> <div><input id="lastNameTextbox" autocomplete="off" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter your last name:" /></div> <div id="helloMessage"> <p>Hello <span class="name"></span>!</p> <p>Pardon me <span class="name"></span>, but do you have any grey poupon?</p> </div> </div> </div> </div>
root.atomic.launch ( "#example4", { numberOfClicks: { bind: "clickCount" }, countClickButton: { onclick: function() {"clickCount","clickCount")+1); }, bind: { enabled: { when: "clickCount", "<": 3 } } }, tooManyClicksMessage: { bind: { display: { when: "clickCount", ">=": 3 } } }, resetClickCountButton: { onclick: function() {"clickCount",0); } } }, function(adapter) {"", {clickCount:0}); } );
<div id="example4"> <div class="example"> <div class="well form-group"> <div>You've clicked <span id="numberOfClicks"> </span> times</div> <button id="incrementClickCounterButton" class="btn">Click me</button> <div id="tooManyClicksMessage"> That's too many clicks! Please stop before you wear out your fingers. <button id="resetClickCounterButton" class="btn">Reset clicks</button> </div> </div> </div> </div>
Your items:
root.atomic.launch ( "#example5", { newItem: { bind: { value: { to: "newItem", updateon: ["keydown", "keyup", "change"] } }, onenter: function(){;} }, addNewItemButton: { bind: { enabled: "newItem.length" }, onclick: function() { if ("newItem.length")>0 &&"items").indexOf("newItem"))==-1)"items").push("newItem"));"newItem",""); } }, itemsList: { bind: "items" } }, function(adapter) {"", {newItem:"", items: ["Alpha","Beta","Gamma"]}); } );
<div id="example5"> <div class="example"> <div class="well form-group"> <div> <div class="form-group"><input id="newItem" class="form-control" /></div> <button id="addNewItemButton" type="button" class="btn">Add</button> <p>Your items:</p> <div class="form-group"> <select id="itemsList" multiple="multiple" class="form-control"> </select> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
root.atomic.launch ( "#example6", { betterNewItem: { bind: { value: { to: "newItem", updateon: ["keydown", "keyup", "change"] } }, onenter: function(){;} }, betterAddNewItemButton: { bind: { enabled: "newItem.length" }, onclick: function() { if ("newItem.length")>0 &&"items").indexOf("newItem"))==-1)"items").push("newItem"));"newItem",""); } }, betterItemsList: { bind: {value: "selected", items: "items"} }, removeItemButton: { bind: {enabled: "items.length"}, onclick: function(){"items").removeAll(this.parent.controls.betterItemsList.value());} }, sortItemsButton: { bind: { enabled: { when: "items.length", ">": 1 } }, onclick: function(){"items").sort();} } }, function(adapter) {"", {newItem:"", items: ["Fries","Eggs Benedict","Ham","Cheese"]}); } );
<div id="example4"> <div class="example"> <div class="well form-group"> <div> <div class="form-group"><input id="newItem" class="form-control" /></div> <button id="addNewItemButton" type="button" class="btn">Add</button> <p>Your items:</p> <div class="form-group"> <select id="itemsList" multiple="multiple" class="form-control"> </select> </div> </div> <div> <button id="removeItemButton" class="btn">Remove</button> <button id="sortItemsButton" class="btn">Sort</button> </div> </div> </div> </div>
root.atomic.launch ( "#example7", { stringValueReadout: { bind: "stringValue" }, urlValueReadout: { bind: "urlValue" }, passwordValueReadout: { bind: "passwordValue" }, booleanValueReadout: { bind: "booleanValue" }, selectedValueReadout: { bind: "selectedValue" }, multipleSelectedValuesReadout: { bind: function(data){ return data("multipleSelectedValues")&&data("multipleSelectedValues").join();} }, imagePathValueReadout: { bind: "imageUrl" }, audioPathValueReadout: { bind: "audioUrl" }, videoPathValueReadout: { bind: "videoUrl" }, summaryReadout: { bind: "summary" }, detailsToggledReadout: { bind: "$shadow.detailsToggled" }, onChangeTextboxControl: { bind: "stringValue" }, onKeyStrokeTextboxControl: { bind: { value: { to: "stringValue", updateon: ["keydown","keyup","change"] } } }, textAreaControl: { bind: "stringValue" }, passwordControl: { bind: "passwordValue" }, checkboxControl: { bind: "booleanValue" }, singleDropdownListControl: { bind: { value: "selectedValue", items: "items" } }, multipleListControl: { bind: { value: "multipleSelectedValues", items: "items" } }, radioGroupControl: { bind: { value: "selectedValue", items: "items" } }, checkboxGroupControl: { bind: { value: "multipleSelectedValues", items: "items" } }, buttonControl: { bind: "stringValue" }, readonlyControl: { bind: "stringValue" }, linkControl: { bind: {value: "stringValue", href: "urlValue" }}, urlTextboxControl: { bind: "urlValue" }, linkPanelControl: { bind: {href: "urlValue"}, controls: { panelReadonly: { bind: "stringValue" }, panelUrl: { bind: "urlValue" } } }, imageControl: { bind: "imageUrl" }, imagePathControl: { bind: { value: "imageUrl", items: { to: "images", text: "title", value: "url" } } }, audioControl: { bind: { value: "audioUrl", currentTime: "$shadow.audioTimeLapsed", volume: "audioVolume" }, nativeControls: true, preload: true }, audioTimeLapsed: { bind: function(){return"$shadow.audioTimeLapsed")||0;} }, audioVolume: { bind: { value: { get: function(){return ("audioVolume")||0)*100;}, set: function(data, value){"audioVolume", value/100);} } } }, audioPathControl: { bind: { value: "audioUrl", items: { to: "sounds", text: "title", value: "url" } } }, videoControl: { bind: { value: "videoUrl", currentTime: "$shadow.videoTimeLapsed", volume: "videoVolume" }, nativeControls: true, preload: true }, videoTimeLapsed: { bind: function(){return"$shadow.videoTimeLapsed")||0;} }, videoVolume: { bind: { value: { get: function(){return ("videoVolume")||0)*100;}, set: function(data, value){"videoVolume", value/100);} } } }, videoPathControl: { bind: { value: "videoUrl", items: { to: "videos", text: "title", value: "url" } } }, detailsControl: { bind: { open: "$shadow.detailsToggled", summary: "summary" }, controls: { detailsNestedInput: { bind: "stringValue" } } }, example7model: { bind: { value: { to: function(){return JSON.stringify(, null, ' ');}, root: "" } } } }, function(adapter) {"", { stringValue: "Hello", urlValue: "", passwordValue: "mypass", booleanValue: true, selectedValue: "Gamma", multipleSelectedValues: ["Beta"], imageUrl: "images/hammock_cat.jpg", audioUrl: "audio/birds_after_rain.mp3", videoUrl: "video/", audioVolume: 1, videoVolume: 1, summary: "This is the summary", details: "These are the details.", items: ["Alpha","Beta","Gamma"], images: [ { title: "Hammock Cat", url: "images/hammock_cat.jpg" }, { title: "Headphones", url: "images/headphones.jpg" }, { title: "Nature Scene", url: "images/nature_scene.png" } ], sounds: [ { title: "Birds", type: "audio/mpeg", url: "audio/birds_after_rain.mp3" }, { title: "Clock", type: "audio/mpeg", url: "audio/clock_chimes.mp3" }, { title: "Ocean", type: "audio/mpeg", url: "audio/crisp_ocean_waves.mp3" }, { title: "Sunny Day", type: "audio/mpeg", url: "audio/sunny_day.mp3" }, { title: "Wind", type: "audio/mpeg", url: "audio/wind.mp3" } ], videos: [ { title: "Background", type: "video/mov", url: "video/" }, { title: "Countdown", type: "video/mov", url: "video/" }, { title: "Earth", type: "video/mov", url: "video/" }, { title: "Milky Way", type: "video/mp4", url: "video/Milky_Way.mp4" } ] }); } );
<div id="example1"> <div class="example"> <div class="well"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8"> <h3>HTML controls</h3> <table class="table table-bordered"> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Text value (updates on change):</td> <td class="table-cell"><input id="onChangeTextboxControl" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Text value (updates on keystroke):</td> <td class="table-cell"><input id="onKeyStrokeTextboxControl" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Text value (multi-line):</td> <td class="table-cell"><textarea id="textAreaControl"> </textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Password:</td> <td class="table-cell"><input id="passwordControl" type="password" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Checkbox:</td> <td class="table-cell"><input id="checkboxControl" type="checkbox" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Drop-down list:</td> <td class="table-cell"><select id="singleDropdownListControl"></select></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Multi-select drop-down list:</td> <td class="table-cell"><select id="multipleListControl" multiple="multiple"></select></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Radio buttons:</td> <td class="table-cell"> <radiogroup id="radioGroupControl"> <radiogroupitem class="radio-inline"> <input type="radio" /><label></label> </radiogroupitem> </radiogroup> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Checkbox group:</td> <td class="table-cell"> <checkboxgroup id="checkboxGroupControl"> <checkboxgroupitem class="checkbox-inline"><input type="checkbox" /><label></label></checkboxgroupitem> </checkboxgroup> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Buttons:</td> <td class="table-cell"> <button id="buttonControl"></button> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Readonly:</td> <td class="table-cell"><span id="readonlyControl"></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Link:</td> <td class="table-cell"><a id="linkControl"></a><br/><input id="urlTextboxControl" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Link Panel:</td> <td class="table-cell"><a id="linkPanelControl"><span id="panelReadonly"></span> [ <span id="panelUrl"></span> ]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Images:</td> <td class="table-cell"> <img id="imageControl"></img><br/> <radiogroup id="imagePathControl"> <radiogroupitem class="radio-inline"><input type="radio" /><label></label></radiogroupitem> </radiogroup> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Audio:</td> <td class="table-cell"> <audio id="audioControl"></audio><br/> <radiogroup id="audioPathControl"> <radiogroupitem class="radio-inline"><input type="radio" /><label></label></radiogroupitem> </radiogroup> <br/> Time lapsed: <span id="audioTimeLapsed"></span><br/> Volume: <input type="number" id="audioVolume" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Video:</td> <td class="table-cell"> <video id="videoControl" class="videoPlayer"></video><br/> <radiogroup id="videoPathControl"> <radiogroupitem class="radio-inline"><input type="radio" /><label></label></radiogroupitem> </radiogroup> <br/> Time lapsed: <span id="videoTimeLapsed"></span><br/> Volume: <input type="number" id="videoVolume" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Details:</td> <td class="table-cell"> <details id="detailsControl"> <input type="text" id="detailsNestedInput" /> </details> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <h3>What's in the model?</h3> <table class="table table-bordered"> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Text value:</td> <td class="table-cell" id="stringValueReadout"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Url value:</td> <td class="table-cell" id="urlValueReadout"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Password:</td> <td class="table-cell" id="passwordValueReadout"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Bool value:</td> <td class="table-cell" id="booleanValueReadout"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Selected option (single select and radio group):</td> <td class="table-cell" id="selectedValueReadout"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Multi-selected options (multi select and checkbox group):</td> <td class="table-cell" id="multipleSelectedValuesReadout"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Image path value:</td> <td class="table-cell" id="imagePathValueReadout"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Audio path value:</td> <td class="table-cell" id="audioPathValueReadout"></td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
root.atomic.launch ( "#example8", { peopleList: { bind: "people", repeat: { peopleListItemTemplate: { getKey: function(data){return "person-"+this.index;}, controls: { personNameLabel: { bind: "name" }, childCountLabel: { bind: "children.length" }, addChildLink: { onclick: function(){"children").push({name:"New Child"});} }, renderTimeSection: { bind: { display: "...showRenderTimes" } }, renderTimeLabel: { bind: function(data){data("name"); return new Date().getSeconds();} }, childList: { bind: "children", repeat: { childListItemTemplate: { getKey: function(data){return "person-""name")+"-child-"+this.index;}, controls: { childNameLabel: { bind: "name" }, childRenderTimeSection: { bind: { display: "...showRenderTimes" } }, childRenderTimeLabel: { bind: function(data){data(""); return new Date().getSeconds();} }, } } } } } } } }, showRenderTimesCheckbox: { bind: "showRenderTimes" } }, function(adapter) { ("", { showRenderTimes: false, people: [ {name:"Anabelle", children: ["Arnie","Anders","Apple"]}, {name:"Bertie", children: ["Boutros-Boutros","Bee-bop","Brianna","Barbie"]}, {name:"Charles", children: ["Cayenne","Cleopatra"]} ] }); } );
<div id="example1"> <div class="example"> <div class="well"> <h2>People</h2> <ul id="peopleList"> <li id="peopleListItemTemplate"> <div> <span id="personNameLabel"> </span> has <span id="childCountLabel"> </span> children: <a id="addChildLink" class="clickable">Add child</a> <span id="renderTimeSection" class="renderTime"> (person rendered at <span id="renderTimeLabel"> </span>) </span> </div> <ul id="childList"> <li id="childListItemTemplate"> <span id="childNameLabel"> </span> <span id="childRenderTimeSection" class="renderTime"> (child rendered at <span id="childRenderTimeLabel"> </span>) </span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <label><input id="showRenderTimesCheckbox" type='checkbox' /> Show render times</label> </div> </div> </div>
root.atomic.launch ( "#example9", { inputPanel: { bind: "input", controls: { firstNameTextbox9: { focused: true, bind: { value: { to: "firstName", updateon: ["keydown", "keyup", "change"] } }, onescape: function(){ this.value(""); } }, lastNameTextbox9: { bind: { value: { to: "lastName", updateon: ["keydown", "keyup", "change"] } }, onescape: function(){this.value("");} } } }, helloMessage9: { bind: { value: "input", display: function(){return"input.firstName") ||"input.lastName");} }, controls: { nameLabels: { selector: ".name", bind: function(data){return ("firstName")||"") + ("firstName") &&"lastName")?" ":"") + ("lastName")||"");} } } } } );
<div id="example3"> <div class="example"> <div class="well form-group"> <div id="inputPanel"> <div><input id="firstNameTextbox9" autocomplete="off" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter your first name:" /></div> <div><input id="lastNameTextbox9" autocomplete="off" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter your last name:" /></div> </div> <div id="helloMessage9"> <p>Hello <span class="name"></span>!</p> <p>Pardon me <span class="name"></span>, but do you have any grey poupon?</p> </div> </div> </div> </div>
root.atomic.launch ( "#example10", { example10container: { type: "panel", classes: ["example"], controls: { well: { selector: ".well", type: "panel", classes: ["well", "form-group"], controls: { betterNewItem10: { type: "input", classes: ["form-control"], bind: { value: { to: "newItem", updateon: ["keydown", "keyup", "change"] } }, onenter: function(){;} }, betterAddNewItemButton10: { type: "button", classes: ["btn"], value: "Add", bind: { enabled: "newItem.length" }, onclick: function() { if ("newItem.length")>0 &&"items").indexOf("newItem"))==-1)"items").push("newItem"));"newItem",""); } } } }, itemsTitle: { type: "readonly", value: "Your items:" }, formgroup: { selector: ".listContainer", type: "panel", classes: ["listContainer", "well", "form-group"], controls: { betterItemsList10: { type: "multiselect", classes: ["form-control"], bind: { value: "selected", items: "items" } }, listButtons: { selector: ".listButtons", type: "panel", controls: { removeItemButton10: { type: "button", classes: ["btn"], value: "Remove", bind: {enabled: "items.length"}, onclick: function(){"items").removeAll(this.parent.parent.controls.betterItemsList10.value());} }, sortItemsButton: { type: "button", classes: ["btn"], value: "Sort", bind: { enabled: { when: "items.length", ">": 1 } }, onclick: function(){"items").sort();} } } } } } } }, example10model: { bind: { value: { to: function(){return JSON.stringify(, null, ' ');}, root: "" } } } }, function(adapter) {"", {newItem:"", items: ["Fries","Eggs Benedict","Ham","Cheese"]}); } );
<div id="example10"> <div id="example10container" class="example"> </div> </div>
root.atomic.launch ( "#example11", { newTodo: { bind: {value: {to: "newTodo", updateon:["keyup", "change"]}}, onenter: function(){;} }, addTodo: {onclick: function() {"todos").push({description:"newTodo"), done: false});"newTodo", ""); }}, todoList: { bind: "todos", repeat: { todoListItem: { controls: { todoDone: {bind: "done"}, todoDescription: {bind: {value: "description", classes: {strikethrough: "done"}}}, removeTodo: {onclick: function() {"...todos").remove(; }} } } } }, example11model: { bind: { value: { to: function(){return JSON.stringify(, null, ' ');}, root: "" } } } }, function(adapter) {"todos", []); } );
<div id="example2"> <div class="example"> <style>.strikethrough{text-decoration: line-through;}</style> <div class="well form-group"> <h1 id="example11title"></h1> <fieldset> <input id="newTodo" type="text"> <button id="addTodo">Add Todo</button> </fieldset> <ul id="todoList"> <li id="todoListItem"> <input id="todoDone" type="checkbox"> <span id="todoDescription"></span> <button id="removeTodo">Remove</button> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div>
root.atomic.ready(function(atomic) { var textboxControl = atomic.viewAdapterFactory.createFactory ( { controls: { label: { selector: ".textbox-label" }, input: { selector: ".textbox-input" } }, properties: { label: { get: function(){return this.controls.label.value();}, set: function(value){this.controls.label.value(value);} }, value: function(){return this.controls.input.value} }, extensions: [{ initializers: { label: function(adapter, value){adapter.label = value;} } }] }, "#example12 .textbox-field-control" ); var readonlyControl = atomic.viewAdapterFactory.createFactory ( { controls: { label: { selector: ".readonly-label" }, readout: { selector: ".readonly-readout" } }, properties: { label: { get: function(){return this.controls.label.value();}, set: function(value){this.controls.label.value(value);} }, value: function(){return this.controls.readout.value} }, extensions: [{ initializers: { label: function(adapter, value){adapter.label = value;} } }] }, "#example12 .readonly-field-control" ); atomic.viewAdapterFactory.launch ( "#example12", { example12container: { controls: { firstName: { factory: textboxControl, label: "First Name:", bind: {value: {to: "firstName", updateon: ["keyup", "change"] } } }, lastName: { factory: textboxControl, label: "Last Name:", bind: {value: {to: "lastName", updateon: ["keyup", "change"] } } }, fullName: { factory: readonlyControl, label: "Full Name:", bind: { value: function() { return ("firstName")||"") + " " + ("lastName")||""); }, display: function() { return ("firstName")||"").length > 0 || ("lastName")||"").length > 0; } } } } } } ); });
<div id="example2"> <div class="example"> <div id="example12container" class="well form-group"> <div class="textbox-field-control"> <label class="textbox-label"></label> <input class="textbox-input"> </div> <div class="readonly-field-control"> <label class="readonly-label"></label> <span class="readonly-readout"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div>
root.atomic.launch ( "#example13", { readonlyWithAttributesControl: { bind: { attributes: { to: "settings", root: "settings" } } }, disabledExampleControl: { bind: { disabled: "settings.disabled" } }, displayExampleControl: { bind: { display: "settings.display" } }, enabledExampleControl: { bind: { enabled: "settings.enabled" } }, labelForControl: { bind: { for: "settings.for" } }, dynamicIdControl: { bind: { id: "" } }, tooltipControl: { bind: { tooltip: "settings.tooltip" } }, valueControl: { bind: { value: "settings.value" } }, classesControl: { bind: { classes: { addBorder: { when: "classBindings.classes.addBorder" }, // default operation is a bool check (customClass can affect this value) addItalics: { when: "classBindings.classes.addItalics" }, // default operation is a bool check (customClass can affect this value) addBold: { when: "classBindings.classes.addBold", equals: true }, // alternative operation equals addPadding: { when: "classBindings.classes.addPadding", notequals: false } // alternative operation notequals } } }, altControl: { bind: { alt: "settings.alt" } }, disabledCheckbox: { bind: "settings.disabled" }, displayCheckbox: { bind: "settings.display" }, enabledCheckbox: { bind: "settings.enabled" }, forList: { bind: { value: "settings.for", items: "controls" } }, idTextbox: { bind: { value: { to: "", updateon: ["keydown", "keyup", "change"] } } }, tooltipTextbox: { bind: { value: { to: "settings.tooltip", updateon: ["keydown", "keyup", "change"] } } }, valueTextbox: { bind: { value: { to: "settings.value", updateon: ["keydown", "keyup", "change"] } } }, addBorderCheckbox: { bind: "classes.addBorder" }, addBoldCheckbox: { bind: "classes.addBold" }, addItalicsCheckbox: { bind: "classes.addItalics" }, addPaddingCheckbox: { bind: "classes.addPadding" }, altTextbox: { bind: { value: { to: "settings.alt", updateon: ["keydown", "keyup", "change"] } } }, /* BEGIN: these controls are here to display the contents of the view */ readonlyWithAttributesControlWrapper: {}, disabledExampleControlWrapper: {}, displayExampleControlWrapper: {}, enabledExampleControlWrapper: {}, labelForControlWrapper: {}, dynamicIdControlWrapper: {}, tooltipControlWrapper: {}, valueControlWrapper: {}, classesControlWrapper: {}, altControlWrapper: {}, readonlyWithAttibutesControlReadout: { bind: { value: { to: function(item){item("settings"); return this.parent.controls.readonlyWithAttributesControlWrapper.value().replace(/\</g, "<").replace(/\>/g, ">");}, root: "settings" } } }, disabledExampleControlReadout: { bind: { value: { to: function(item){item("settings.disabled"); return this.parent.controls.disabledExampleControlWrapper.value().replace(/\</g, "<").replace(/\>/g, ">");} } } }, displayExampleControlReadout: { bind: { value: { to: function(item){item("settings.display"); return this.parent.controls.displayExampleControlWrapper.value().replace(/\</g, "<").replace(/\>/g, ">");} } } }, enabledExampleControlReadout: { bind: { value: { to: function(item){item("settings.enabled"); return this.parent.controls.enabledExampleControlWrapper.value().replace(/\</g, "<").replace(/\>/g, ">");} } } }, labelForControlReadout: { bind: { value: { to: function(item){item("settings.for"); return this.parent.controls.labelForControlWrapper.value().replace(/\</g, "<").replace(/\>/g, ">");} } } }, dynamicIdControlReadout: { bind: { value: { to: function(item){item(""); return this.parent.controls.dynamicIdControlWrapper.value().replace(/\</g, "<").replace(/\>/g, ">");} } } }, tooltipControlReadout: { bind: { value: { to: function(item){item("settings.tooltip"); return this.parent.controls.tooltipControlWrapper.value().replace(/\</g, "<").replace(/\>/g, ">");} } } }, valueControlReadout: { bind: { value: { to: function(item){item("settings.value"); return this.parent.controls.valueControlWrapper.value().replace(/\</g, "<").replace(/\>/g, ">");} } } }, classesControlReadout: { bind: { value: { to: function(item){item("classBindings"); return this.parent.controls.classesControlWrapper.value().replace(/\</g, "<").replace(/\>/g, ">");}, root: "classBindings" } } }, altControlReadout: { bind: { value: { to: function(item){item("settings.alt"); return this.parent.controls.altControlWrapper.value().replace(/\</g, "<").replace(/\>/g, ">");} } } }, /* END: these controls are here to display the contents of the view */ example13model: { bind: { value: { to: function(){return JSON.stringify(, null, ' ');}, root: "" } } } }, function(adapter) {"", { settings: { disabled: false, display: true, enabled: true, for: "disabledExampleControl", id: "someUniqueId", tooltip: "This is a tooltip!", value: "A value fit for a control", alt: "Depending on your browser this text might appear when the value property of the image has not been set or bound or is non existent." }, classBindings: { classes: { addBorder: false, addBold: false, addItalics: false, addPadding: false }, customClass: "customClass" }, controls: ["disabledExampleControl", "displayExampleControl", "enabledExampleControl"] }); } );
<div id="example13"> <div class="example"> <div class="well"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8"> <h3>Control bindings</h3> <style> .addBorder { border: solid 2px black; } .addBold { font-weight: bold; } .addItalics { font-style: italic; } .addPadding { padding: 20px; } </style> <table class="table table-bordered"> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Readonly with attributes:</td> <td class="table-cell" id="readonlyWithAttributesControlWrapper"><span id="readonlyWithAttributesControl">This control has attributes</span></td> </tr> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Text control (reacts to disabled):</td> <td class="table-cell" id="disabledExampleControlWrapper"><input id="disabledExampleControl" /></td> </tr> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Text control (reacts to display):</td> <td class="table-cell" id="displayExampleControlWrapper"><input id="displayExampleControl" /></td> </tr> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Text control (reacts to enabled):</td> <td class="table-cell" id="enabledExampleControlWrapper"><input id="enabledExampleControl" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Label control (reacts to for):</td> <td class="table-cell" id="labelForControlWrapper"><label id="labelForControl">This label can be set for another element.<br/>Clicking on this label will set focus to that control.</label></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Panel control (reacts to id):</td> <td class="table-cell" id="dynamicIdControlWrapper"><div id="dynamicIdControl">The id of this panel changes dynamically</div></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Panel control (reacts to tooltip):</td> <td class="table-cell" id="tooltipControlWrapper"><div id="tooltipControl">The tooltip of this panel changes dynamically.<br/>Try hovering the mouse over it.</div></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Textarea control (reacts to value):</td> <td class="table-cell" id="valueControlWrapper"><textarea id="valueControl"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Panel control (reacts to classes):</td> <td class="table-cell" id="classesControlWrapper"><div id="classesControl">The classes applied to this panel changes dynamically.</div></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="table-cell">Image control (reacts to alt):</td> <td class="table-cell" id="altControlWrapper"><img id="altControl" src="nonexistent.png" width="150" height="60" /></td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <h3>Settings</h3> <table class="table table-bordered"> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Disabled:</td> <td class="table-cell"><input id="disabledCheckbox" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" /></td> </tr> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Display:</td> <td class="table-cell"><input id="displayCheckbox" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" /></td> </tr> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Enabled:</td> <td class="table-cell"><input id="enabledCheckbox" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" /></td> </tr> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">For:</td> <td class="table-cell"><select id="forList"></select></td> </tr> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Id:</td> <td class="table-cell"><input id="idTextbox" /></td> </tr> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Tooltip:</td> <td class="table-cell"><input id="tooltipTextbox" /></td> </tr> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Value:</td> <td class="table-cell"><input id="valueTextbox" /></td> </tr> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Add Border:</td> <td class="table-cell"><input id="addBorderCheckbox" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" /></td> </tr> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Add Bold:</td> <td class="table-cell"><input id="addBoldCheckbox" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" /></td> </tr> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Add Italics:</td> <td class="table-cell"><input id="addItalicsCheckbox" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" /></td> </tr> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Add Padding:</td> <td class="table-cell"><input id="addPaddingCheckbox" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" /></td> </tr> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Custom Class:</td> <td class="table-cell"><input id="customClassTextbox" /></td> </tr> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Alt:</td> <td class="table-cell"><input id="altTextbox" /></td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="col-md-12"> <h3>What's in the view?</h3> <table class="table table-bordered"> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Readonly with attributes:</td> <td class="table-cell" id="readonlyWithAttibutesControlReadout"></td> </tr> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Text control (reacts to disabled):</td> <td class="table-cell" id="disabledExampleControlReadout"></td> </tr> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Text control (reacts to display):</td> <td class="table-cell" id="displayExampleControlReadout"></td> </tr> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Text control (reacts to enabled):</td> <td class="table-cell" id="enabledExampleControlReadout"></td> </tr> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Label control (reacts to for):</td> <td class="table-cell" id="labelForControlReadout"></td> </tr> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Panel control (reacts to id):</td> <td class="table-cell" id="dynamicIdControlReadout"></td> </tr> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Panel control (reacts to tooltip):</td> <td class="table-cell" id="tooltipControlReadout"></td> </tr> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Textarea control (reacts to value):</td> <td class="table-cell" id="valueControlReadout"></td> </tr> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Panel control (reacts to classes):</td> <td class="table-cell" id="classesControlReadout"></td> </tr> <tr class="table-row"> <td class="table-cell">Image control (reacts to alt):</td> <td class="table-cell" id="altControlReadout"></td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
// No Local Code
<div id="example14"> <div class="example" id="exampleViewHost"> </div> </div>