
This project contains a stack of tools for building multi-tiered web applications.

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Welcome to Atomic.

Here we will be developing a stack of tools, libraries, etc for building quality web applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, .Net and various database platforms. Right now the focus is on completing the development of the AtomicJS MVVAC Javascript library.


The Interactive AtomicJS Tutorials are here! This is a great place to start learning how to use AtomicJS to help build scalable single page web applications from small widgets to large sophisticated multi screen apps.

Check out the legacy AtomicJS Tutorial to get more ideas on how to use this new JavaScript library.

Also be sure to visit the AtomicJS Playground to take AtomicJS out for a spin! Create new apps of all sizes right in the browser.

The unit tests for the project can now been run on this site. Take a look at the sources to see the test code. Tests are executed using the Ion test engine that is included in the AtomicJS project on the GitHub site.

A new AtomicJS API book is being developed. Feel free to check out the work in progress.